4 Months |
- Good head control
- Rolls from front to back
- Visually follows a familiar person or interesting object
- Reaches out for objects
6 Months |
- Sits with support
- Held standing, bears full weight on legs
- Hold a small object in either hand, and transfers object from one hand to another
- Eyes move together (any squint is abnormal)
9 Months |
- Sits steadily without support
- Pulls self to stand, holding on to furniture
- Starts crawling
- Bangs 2 blocks together
- Pulls at a string or cloth to obtain something
12 Months |
- Picks tiny objects up between thumb and index finger, neatly
- Points to request desired object
15 Months |
- Walks alone, broadbased gait
- Crawls up stairs
- Builds a tower of 2 blocks
- Enjoys putting objects into and out of containers
- Scribbles with a pencil.
18 Months |
- Walks steadily
- Walks up and downstairs with help
- Squats to pick up toy
- Tower of 3 blocks
- Shows hand preference
2 Years |
- Runs steadily
- Goes up and down stairs alone, 2 feet per step
- Tower of 6 -7 blocks
- Turns pages of a book
- Copies a line
3 Years |
- Goes up stairs one foot per step, down stairs 2 feet per step
- Rides tricycle
- Kicks and throws small ball
- Tower of 9 - 10 blocks
- Copies a circle
- Draws a person with 2 parts
4 Years |
- Walks and runs up and down stairs one foot per step
- Stands on one foot for 3-5 seconds
- Hops on one foot
- Matches 4 primary colours
- Draws a person with head, legs, arms and trunk
- Starts copying some letters
5 Years |
- Colours pictures, mostly within the lines
- Draws a man with correctly placed features/ parts
- Can cut a strip of paper neatly