What is Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain, or stomach pain, is discomfort felt between the chest and groin.

It can be mild or severe and may stem from digestive problems (indigestion, gas), inflammation (appendicitis, pancreatitis), infections (gastroenteritis, UTIs), obstructions (intestinal blockages, kidney stones), or chronic conditions (IBS, Crohn's disease). Diagnosis involves medical history, physical examination, and sometimes tests, with treatment varying based on the cause, ranging from home remedies to medical or surgical interventions.

Abdominal pain
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What it looks like


Abdominal pain can take many forms and can mean many things.
It may feel:

Mild or severe

Crampy or colicky

Dull or sharp

Constant or intermittent

Burning or achy

Localised (in one spot) or generalised (all over)