What is Sinusitis (Sinus Infection)

Sinusitis, or sinus infection, is the inflammation of the sinuses, which are the air-filled spaces near the nose, often resulting from infections, allergies, or other causes. It can develop following a cold or arise independently. Treatment for sinusitis usually includes decongestants, saline nasal rinses, and sometimes antibiotics, depending on the severity and cause of the condition.

Sinusitis (Sinus Infection)
ele-05 Elfy

What it looks like


Sinusitis (sinus infection) may present differently in each child, with symptoms that include:

Cold-like symptoms, including runny or stuffy nose


Thick, yellow-green nasal discharge

Mucus that runs down from the nose to the throat (postnasal drip)


Cough, sore throat, bad breath, nausea and/or vomiting

Swelling around the eyes